Thursday, January 9, 2014

How *This* One Started

I live in a very large city in Southern Florida. I mean - large. As in, a lot of people. And that brings with it a lot of, you guessed it!


I hate traffic.

It's not the worst thing out there, I know that. But I do have to deal with rush hour traffic every morning (not in the afternoons, thank goodness!). And it just seemed that it was getting worse and worse by the day.

Or maybe my patience was getting shorter. (That's probably it, I'll admit that, ha ha!)

For a while I've had this idea I've been meaning to propose to a police department. Or several of them. But I've never gotten around to it, go figure. 

And then a couple of weeks ago, I saw this guy in a big, black pick up truck (who, in my experience, are generally some of the most obnoxious drivers out there) and he was just the nicest vehicle in my vicinity! It was rush hour, on a very busy thoroughfare. And he used his signals, did not get up on anyone's bumper, let a big semi truck in front of him, didn't zip in and out of lanes.

And that just kinda made my day. And I wanted to tell him so. So I decided that *I* was going to implement my idea.

So here it is: My Own Personal Crusade for Courteous Driving. One driver at a time.

My next post will outline my plan. First though, I need to spruce this baby up! haha! I'm workin' on it...


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