Friday, January 10, 2014

The P-L-A-N

I said before that I had one, and I do! Looking at other blogs, most likely I will need an "About" page for this one (assuming my idea even takes off, ha ha!), to explain all the terminology that's been simmering in my head and all. However, that's not the main plan. 

This is the main plan:

Whenever I see a driver who I feel has been super courteous (above and beyond - yes, I realize this will all be very subjective), I am going to, if possible, snap a picture of their license plate. And mark down the date, time, and street/road/highway.

Now don't jump to conclusions!

I have most of a letter written (well, in my head, ha ha!) that basically will say something along the lines of "On such-&-such a day at such-&-such a time, I saw you driving very courteously. I would like to personally thank you for making my driving experience much more pleasant."

There will be more of course, but that's the basic gist.

Also - I am going to put in $5 gift cards. Right now, I have four of them to Subway to start this baby off. And before you comment about how am I going to pull this off, well... a lot is going to depend on making friends, ha ha. I plan to take my letters, my gift cards, stamped envelopes, sticky notes with license plate numbers, and business cards with the address of this blog to my local police department. 

And there I will throw myself on the mercy of someone working there. I will explain what I want to do, and leave the letters and stuff (I'll even stuff the envelopes in front of them, so they know I'm not a weirdo - haha! No comment on that!). And leave them with that person and hope that they will actually look up the license plate number, put the address on the envelope, and mail my stuff.

It's a dream, I know. Chances are my gift cards will end up in the purse or pocket of someone in that office. But I choose to believe the best will happen!

So then, as I have a few bucks here and there, I will get other gift cards and send letters to drivers I see that go above and beyond in the courtesy department. I know it will be slow going because, well, for a lot of reasons. But I learned in Psychology 1101 that Variable Positive Reinforcement is the strongest motivator for positive behavior. 

I have other stuff I'm going to do with this blog, but for now, I figure that gets my idea out there, like I promised the one person who viewed this blog yesterday, ha ha!

So here's wishing you all safe and courteous driving!


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