Saturday, January 18, 2014

Progress Update

Progress is being made!

I have ordered business cards with the name and address of this blog. The plan is to both hand them out to people so that maybe they'll take a look here and consider driving better, ha ha. Also, I'm going to put them in the letters I send the good drivers, so that hopefully they will come here and leave a comment that they got it. That part is a long shot, but I have hope it will happen!

So that's some progress.

I have my gift cards, and already four recipients for once I have everything ready to take to the police department. That's some more.

This three day weekend I plan to finish up the letter I want to send so it will be ready to go. Wish me luck, haha.

What watching out for good drivers has done for me, I think, is one - kind of slowed me down. I'm impatient on a good day, but now I am certainly slower. How else can I see names of trucks and others driving well?

I've also calmed a bit of my road rage. It was never anything more than hollering at people, and had already been getting milder. But so much of the time, all it takes is one stupid driver to muck it up for all of us. There's no point in getting mad at everyone else stuck because of an idiot. 

So yeah - it's been a journey (ha ha - forgive the pun!), even in this short time.

Another plan is to make more pages with different subjects, like Jargon I'm creating, lol, things that drive me nuts, other stuff that I think is awesome of drivers to do. And anyone reading this is always welcome to comment on any and everything!

So all for now, but keep checking back. Progress is being made!


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