Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Car Count

Once upon a time I really didn't know much about cars. I really still don't, in the big scheme of things. But when I started creating characters for stories, I started thinking about what kinds of cars they would drive. Which led me to noticing cars on the road, sort of out of curiosity.

Mostly these days I try to drive defensively, and notice the courteous drivers when it's possible. And some days, I notice... a lot of stuff that seems kind of amazing. Such as - the number of *super* expensive cars i saw yesterday. 

Now, I'm not talking about your standard Mercedes, BMW, Porche, or Audi. I see dozens of those every day (there is, apparently, a lot of money here in South Florida.). No - yesterday was... something.

I kid you not, this is what I saw:

4 Maseratis, 3 Bentleys (parked next to one of them, in fact), 2 Rolls Royces, and 1 Saleen.

So - I guess even more money was floating around yesterday. None of them seemed to be driven by jerks, so that's something, right? 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No Good Deed... Pet Peeve #3

As a friend of mine used to say all the time, "No good deed goes unpunished." And it is sooo true, especially in the driving world, isn't it?

So yes, Pet Peeve #3 is a small one, but it does irk me. And that's when you let someone in or turn out of a driveway or something on a busy day - and they don't wave or anything to say Thank You. 

I get that on the highway and stuff they don't always think of it when they merge, because that's what you do - you merge. But when things are bumper to bumper and someone actually allows you in without having to force your way in, it would stand to reason you should *thank* that person.

Same when you let someone turn in front of you, come out of a business on an busy street, and so on. It's just the polite thing to do. You gotta wonder why more people don't do it. 

Oh yes, see the quote above, lol. 


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Late Valentine's!

Yep, a day after the fact, but better late than never, right? Hope it was good - and safe! And that the drivers weren't too nuts, ha ha.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pet Peeve #2

You know who I mean. Traffic is moving along at a good clip, things are going smoothly, then all of a sudden you come up behind one and can't get around - because all the other traffic *is* still moving at its good clip. Who am I talking about?

Those self-righteous no-speeders.

Yes, I get it, we are all supposed to go the speed limit. But most people don't, and on a busy highway, those that don't keep up with the traffic (or get in the right lane that signs even point out are for *slower* traffic), then these No-speeders are not just a nuisance, they could be dangerous. Some of those trucks are *big* and bigger things have a harder time slowing down. Just sayin'. (And it could probably be said more eloquently with better examples, but I"m kinda tired, lol.)

I will admit I've used my share of expletives when I get behind one of these pains-in-the-behind. Because it's nearly impossible to get out from behind them, with all the traffic moving along faster, and moving over before you can. 

So there's my Pet Peeve #2.

Oh, and I'm back on the "job" here, lol. Took a minor LOA, but the Crusade is on - never fear!

Let's get this rolling! (ha ha!)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pet Peeve #1

As you can probably guess, the fact that I even started this Crusade, and the blog to go along with it, is because I have lots of pet peeves about drivers here in South Florida. Or anywhere, really, because they are everywhere that I've ever driven.

But the past couple of days have been full of my Number One Pet Peeve, and so I thought I'd share. And that is:

Drivers who think their time is more valuable than mine is or anyone else's.

You know the types. Either they are zipping in and out between cars, changing lanes repeatedly, riding people's bumpers, as if they can make everyone go faster. I HATE that. 

I think the ones I hate the worst, however, are the ones that jump into the merge lane just so they can move up 4-5 car lengths in rush hour traffic. I HATE these people. I know you're not supposed to hate anyone, but this is in a figurative sense, of course. 

What they don't think about is that *they* are the ones holding up the lane because we all have to slow down to let *more* cars merge. They are the ones causing the problem!

Yes, I get it, it's rush hour. If you are really going to be *that* late, guess what - you should have left your house earlier. Unless you or your wife is having a baby, no one needs to be that stinkin' rude. Just don't, and I won't hear a single excuse other than bleeding profusely or the imminent arrival of a baby. Do you really love your job *that* much that you have to be a huge jerk to the rest of us?

I think not. 

There are other ways this sort of behavior manifests itself. And I'll be honest, if I can do it, I don't let those jerks in if I see them darting out of the traffic to try to merge ahead. It's bad, but there it is.

So - I think that's about top of my list of things that tick me right off. What's yours?
