Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No Good Deed... Pet Peeve #3

As a friend of mine used to say all the time, "No good deed goes unpunished." And it is sooo true, especially in the driving world, isn't it?

So yes, Pet Peeve #3 is a small one, but it does irk me. And that's when you let someone in or turn out of a driveway or something on a busy day - and they don't wave or anything to say Thank You. 

I get that on the highway and stuff they don't always think of it when they merge, because that's what you do - you merge. But when things are bumper to bumper and someone actually allows you in without having to force your way in, it would stand to reason you should *thank* that person.

Same when you let someone turn in front of you, come out of a business on an busy street, and so on. It's just the polite thing to do. You gotta wonder why more people don't do it. 

Oh yes, see the quote above, lol. 


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