Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pet Peeve #2

You know who I mean. Traffic is moving along at a good clip, things are going smoothly, then all of a sudden you come up behind one and can't get around - because all the other traffic *is* still moving at its good clip. Who am I talking about?

Those self-righteous no-speeders.

Yes, I get it, we are all supposed to go the speed limit. But most people don't, and on a busy highway, those that don't keep up with the traffic (or get in the right lane that signs even point out are for *slower* traffic), then these No-speeders are not just a nuisance, they could be dangerous. Some of those trucks are *big* and bigger things have a harder time slowing down. Just sayin'. (And it could probably be said more eloquently with better examples, but I"m kinda tired, lol.)

I will admit I've used my share of expletives when I get behind one of these pains-in-the-behind. Because it's nearly impossible to get out from behind them, with all the traffic moving along faster, and moving over before you can. 

So there's my Pet Peeve #2.

Oh, and I'm back on the "job" here, lol. Took a minor LOA, but the Crusade is on - never fear!

Let's get this rolling! (ha ha!)


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